Right to Know Request
Information regarding Data Protection and Privacy

Right to Know Request
Our provider for geolocation metadata is Venntel> Venntel verifies the identity of all requestors prior to disclosing any mobile location data, as required by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). This process prevents the disclosure of data to unauthorized individuals making requests under the CCPA. To submit a "Right to Know" request:
1.Locate your mobile advertising identification number for your device:
iOS Device:
- Install “The Identifiers” App from the App Store
Open the app to view your mobile advertising identifier (also called the IDFA on your iOS device)
Android Device: Install the "Device Identifiers" app from the Play Store
-Open the app to view your mobile advertising identifier (also called the AAID on your Android device)
2. Enter the requested information and press ‘Submit’ to request that we attempt to verify your identity in order to comply with your request. You will also be opted-out of our use and sale of your mobile location data.
You will be redirected to the Venntel Right to Know page. Enter the required information into the form below. Please note: you must have cookies enabled in your browser for Venntel to capture your data request.